Call Us: (310) 479-1250

Fidelity Bonds

Fidelity Bonds in Los Angeles | 11321 Iowa Ave.,Los Angeles, CA. 90025 - (310) 479-1250

Westside Bonds offers Fidelity Bonds in Los Angeles and all of California. Fidelity Bonds allow for peace of mind regarding your staff and employees. Of course, you will be able to trust your employees— but the fact is, according to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, three-fourths of all employees admitted stealing from their employers at least once, and many will repeat their offense. Fidelity Bonds protect your business and your customers from loss incurred by dishonest acts of your employees. The bond covers acts by all employees, part or full-time.

If you know which bond you need, you can easily fill out one of our application forms online.*Then use the toolbar in your browser to e-mail the completed form, print for mailing or faxing to our West Los Angeles office, as well as for your records. Westside Bonds will start your bond application within minutes of receiving it!

You may also ask for a quote today with our convenient online form. Or simply give us a call at (310) 479-1250 for help when assessing your bond service needs. And don't forget to like us on Facebook!

We offer a full range of bonds including License & Permit, Court, Contract, Developer, Fidelity and Miscellaneous Bonds, as well as Notary Services.

*Application forms are Adobe Reader PDF files that you can view in your browser or download. Please complete the application form being sure to give all required information. Please mail and applications to: Westside Bonds, 11321 Iowa Ave., Suite 5, Los Angeles, CA. 90025

Understanding Fidelity Bonds

What Are Fidelity Bonds?

Fidelity bonds are a type of insurance that protects businesses from losses caused by fraudulent acts committed by employees. These bonds are crucial for safeguarding company assets and maintaining trust with clients. At Westside Bonds, we offer comprehensive fidelity bonds to ensure your business remains secure against internal threats.